Friday, October 13, 2017

The first few weeks

Lucie is just under a month old, so in the hopes of completing this post, I'll aim for brevity.

Background: She's my fourth Cesarean delivery, and I had forgotten how debilitating the reviver process is. Just yesterday, nearly four weeks post partum, I was able to bend down. I'm grateful for all the mundane, again, that's for certain! Two weeks ago it took me more than 30 minutes to walk from the toilet to the shower, and that was finally accomplished with help.  Needless to say, I've not been 100% myself these weeks, but I'm slowly easing back into a routine. That said, yes, the kids' schedules are a mess, as is the house, and life lol, but I'm alive and everyday is a new chance to make it better.

Product recommendation: I'm absolutely mindless while on drugs at the hospital, and depending on my stress levels, even at home for a bit, so I need apps to help take the guess work out of certain activities while I adapt to new norms after each child. If you're looking for an app to keep track of feedings, etc, I found baby manager ( to be fantastic. One of my favorite features is that I could share it with my mother who helps me with my kids. In this way, we can update, say, medications, and not stress about who gave what at what time because it's already there. My primary use, though, was while in the hospital to help track nursings and diapers. After that, I don't use it so much, but until I'm in the habit and confident, is priceless. That said, I use the free version, still, and I have no other affiliation with the company.

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